We Are All MAD Here!
SUGIT 2018 Workshops
Southern Utah Girls in Tech (SUGIT) started in 2018, with a goal to provide hands-on activities in technology with high school girls within Southern Utah region. It is a one day conference with variety of workshops sponsored by Industry members and Southern Utah University (SUU) community. In 2018, there were 6 workshops:
Workshop 1: Raspberry Pi with a Smart Mirror
Sponsor: Cyber-security Warrior LLC.
Join, learn & have fun with the CEO of Cyber-security Warrior LLC, Jessica Luemen, to build your smart device from scratch using a Raspberry Pi! Using a Linux operating system, participate in creating a fun and cool smart mirror….some of these smart mirrors will be given as prizes...a perfect gift for Mother's Day or your locker at school!
Workshop 2: Innovative Gaming platforms
Sponsor: Casino Game Maker, Inc.
Join, learn, & have fun with a group of experts on gaming solutions. As you have fun engaging in a gaming environment, learn a variety of tools and development designs that involve the latest technology, creativity and innovation to make successful solutions/platforms for the future gaming world!
Workshop 3: Cybersecurity Practices
Sponsor: SUU & Southern Utah School District
Join, learn, & have fun with a group of experts from SUU, and local communities including the school district to show you how not to let your trash become someone else’s treasure! Participate and learn about passwords and other tools, some of the tools you need to know to mitigate and manage unauthorized access like hacking to your confidential and sensitive information!
Workshop 4: OZBots -Play with Robots
Sponsor: SUU & Local Tech Companies
Join, learn & have fun with SUU faculty and local Tech business to teach with the OZBot squad new tricks! Teach them to follow and escape, as well as learn to code without a screen using colored markers.
Workshop 5: Create Your World With Micro:Bits
Sponsor: Code Changers
Join, learn, and have fun on how software and hardware interact using the Micro:bit. Engage in learning how to program devices to display animations, build interactive projects, and send messages to your friends over radio frequencies.
Workshop 6: Become a Digital Citizen
Sponsor: Digital Citizenship Institute
Join, learn, & have fun with an inclusive innovation network group of digital citizens to engage in promoting a positive message of social good through the use of social media and technology. Using the Global Goals, students will become empowered digital citizens who solve problems and create solutions in local, global and digital communities.